it’s been a good week

I don’t want this blog to be all about my coming and goings, ’cause it IS a design blog! BUT, I had such a great week this week connecting with two dear friends that I thought I would tell you a bit about it.

On Thursday I got to spend some good quality girl time at coffee with my bestie S.

Time with her is so special, and alone time with her is unheard of so it’s extra special! (She has two and a half babes, the half is a baby boy who is almost here!) Do you have a friend who no matter how often you see one another, you always pick up where you left off? Well, I hope that everyone has a friend like that, it’s such a blessing! Oh and S has a blog, you should check out some of her incredible thrifting finds and follow the adventures of her sweet family!

Two peas in a pod!

After, a fabulous afternoon with Sam, the mister and I got to have some sweet friends over for dinner.

The L’s are old friends of mine, I’ve known Mrs.L since childhood….now, there is an adorable baby L (who just turned 1!). They were in town and were able to come over for some homemade tortilla soup and good conversation (well, at least I thought it was…). We really had such a nice time catching up with them and chasing the surprisingly FAST crawler baby L around the house! Having people over to share a meal is one of my favorite things. I love entertaining but I also, love loosing track of time and catching up with sweet friends. Cheers to that!

Those were two highlights of my week! I thought that I would share, as I think it’s so important to look around at the blessings in our life and remember what a good God we serve!

Coffee image via We Heart It,Chair image via Sunday Suppers , Table setting image via Emerson Made

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