christmas stars

Christmas is such a “magical” time of year. I don’t mean magical in a mystical way, I am talking about the wonder of Jesus, the Son of God, humbling himself by entering the world as a tiny baby. What an incredible time of year Christmas is to celebrate part one of Jesus’ rescue mission. I here are some of my favorite stars,  which is such a beautiful way to remember that first Christmas; the wise men being led by the star to the lowly manger.

What a darling little project for the little ones! A star garland….

The best place for a star? On top of the tree of course!

Uh, love that skirt and the gold star!

I love this wreath and I think it would be so easy to make. Such a sweet interior!

I just love, love, love this image. So sparkly and beautiful!

Merry Christmas!

Images via Pintrest, unknown, Martha Stewart, Pintrest, Pink WallpaperMary Ruffle, We Heart It, A Field Journal

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