family time

For Christmas, we surprised our parents with a framed family photo from a secret family photo shoot. I thought that I would share the photos with you! They are just perfect! They were taken by our dear friend Becca Howell, she is an incredible photographer. The hubs and I recently rebuilt her website, you should check out some of her work! la la love her, her great work and my sweet family. (How adorable is my nephew? Yes, I am a totally smitten auntie…)

We set up an indoor old school photo shoot, love! Family from left to right: brother, other brother, sister in law, their baby, my and my hubs.

The boys.

My nephew, the baby.

I am in total auntie love. How adorable is this little guy?

Can’t resist! l.o.v.e

Uncle and the baby.

How beautiful is this family?!

The fab 6!

Daddy and baby. Twinsies!

Love him! xoxo


Noooo! He’s getting too big, too fast!

One big happy family…

Me and the bros. I am one blessed sister!

I have always wanted a sister, now I have one! I am extra lucky too because she is also one of my best friends!

Family is such a blessing from the Lord.

The end. Thanks Becca Howell (and Justin!) for a wonderful day and some beautiful photos!

All images via Becca Howell.
