books of the bible illustrated


Oh. My. Word. So this is a little different than my typical post, but I just couldn’t resist when I ran across these prints by designer Jim LePage. These prints are part of a series called “Word”, they are illustrations of all of the books of the bible. Incredible! Even more I love the story behind these prints (read it in the designers own words here). He basically created this as a way to discipline himself to read the bible. I totally struggle with the same thing. I often times put daily bible reading on the bottom of my list of things to do, in favor of things I “enjoy” more. He came up with a way to teach himself discipline by doing something he enjoys along with the reading… And I have found that when I set aside time for reading the Bible, quickly the feelings of “I have to read” turn into “I want to read the word, and spend time with Jesus today”. Love this!

On a side note, if you are looking for artwork for your home, these would be incredible and they are for sale here (so reasonably priced too!). I am thinking about purchasing some for my husband’s (hopefully) soon to be home office.

All images are from Jim LePage, check out more of Jim LePage’s Word project here.

black and white simplicity

 Less is usually more, it’s true. The other day I was poking around one of my all time favorite blogs Oh So Beautiful Paper for some inspiration when I happened upon these jaw dropping invites from Cheree Berry. I love them so much because they incorporate all of my favorite things. Thick rich paper, simple colors (look at that hint of color on the sides of the invite!), art deco feeling, beautiful artwork and rich black ink. I am in paper love right now over these! I mean just look at that adorable diver!

Designed by Cheree Berry via Oh So Beautiful Paper

summer shower invitations

I am in love with these sweet little invites I recently created. I am loving details in white right now, like the hand lettering I did. The invites are sweet but not overly cutesy and feminine. They were created for a summer bridal shower but they would be adorable for a baby shower as well! I love summer showers because they bring fun things like brides and babies!

All images from la Happy. Umbrella and rain stamps from yellow owl workshop