rest & adventure

My husband and I are taking a short week/long weekend, and getting out of town! We are long overdue for a vaca (we are definitely doing a tropical trip this fall!) but this weekend will do until then. I hope you all have a lovely rest of the week/weekend as well. I will post pictures when we return on Monday!

Image by Marcus Ohlsson from Design Scene

C.S. Neal


I love the illustration work of C.S. Neal. I’ve been oohing and ahhing over his work for awhile now, some of my favorites can be browsed through here. But I have recently been in the market for artwork for our kitchen walls, I love these screen prints! I like the playful lines and (of course) the neon pink. I normally don’t like painted images of food, but these are just so fun and they make me so happy, I am pondering a set for my kitchen…

Images from C.S. Neal

while flipping through the pages of…

While flipping though the pages of one of my favorite magazines Country Living this month I ran across this brilliant idea. Creating a vinyl (thus weather proof) banner for your outdoor space for just in time for Spring/Summer entertaining! Oh my goodness, what a perfectly genius (and affordable) way to add some personality to your deck or other outdoor space. I would recommend sticking with a b&w or sepia photo as shown…I have some especially lovely vintage photographs of my grandmother this would be a fun project to use those on! The vinyl also come pre-punched with gromets for hanging, wouldn’t this be beautiful hung with a lovely ribbon

Image scanned from Country Living