papier mache easter nests


We are hosting Easter dinner this year. I have already started brain storming (and searching high and low for) my table decorations and place settings for the special day. I still not sure what I am going to do about the centerpiece (it may just be the ham, yum, yum!) but for each person’s place setting I am going to make a small papier mache nest with a single monogrammed (with my calligraphy of course!) egg in it. I have already found (thrifted) the vintage book I am going to use to make the mini-nests (this is my weekend project…).  I am not really into cutesy “bunny” crafts, or fussy crafts that take hours, I love this idea because it’s so simple, sweet and I love the imagery of new life. The nests really are quite simple to make, here are the step-by-step directions! What are you doing for Easter, I love to hear about fun traditions or other beautiful crafts out there!


Image via Country Living (one of my all time FAVORITE resources)

sick day


It’s been a quieter week here on the blog…(yesterday’s post was all thanks to my wonderful husband). I have been out sick with a bad cold which was compounded by a an accompanying migraine (I suffer from chronic migraines). Yesterday I took a rare sick day and didn’t touch the computer once. On top of all of that I am up to my eyeballs in wedding invite designs right now (which I love!)…But needless to say I am a bit stressed. Anywhoo, I am feeling a little bit better today, I am going to answer a few emails and climb back into bed. I am praying for a restful, sabbath filled weekend of recuperation. I hope you have a lovely, quiet, restful, weekend as well. I’ll be back at it next week! – sb


Images via We Heart It