Another April Desktop Wallpaper!

Another April Desktop Wallpaper

By special request, this wallpaper is for all you la Happy guys out there – designed by my husband so you don’t have to stare at polka-dots all day.  Enjoy!  Let me know if you use it.  Should I do this every month?

Find your screen size and download below (right click and save image!):

…don’t know what your screen resolution is? Click here to check!

If you like this desktop wallpaper, send your friends and family this way to download it! Happy April!!!

love this look

No, I didn’t watch the Kid’s Choice Awards but I am in LOVE with everything about this outfit, Selena Gomez looks absolutely adorable. The turquoise shoes, the coral lips, the gold accents, the white with the neon color peeking out from underneath…I love! It’s perfect and playful. Well done Selena Gomez!


Images via The Fashion Dealer

follow la happy on facebook

Hello all, happy Tuesday to you! If you don’t follow la Happy on Facebook yet, you should! Why? Because this month I am going to give away personal stationary to one lucky person (no need to do anything fancy just follow this link and “like” la Happy on Facebook). And I am also planning on randomly giving away personal calling cards…maybe even this month as well! I also do fun updates and share design inspiration bits on Facebook that you won’t see here on the bloggy. Come on, who isn’t on Facebook all day anyway?! Or if Twitter is more your style I tweet tweet my thoughts throughout the day as well, you can follow me on Twitter as well. – sb

image via LOFT