weekend project


I was totally into tissue paper poms a few years back, we still have some I made in our entry way. I was recently thinking we needed an update. These crepe paper lanterns are perfect, easy and inexpensive to make. What a great project for the weekend. Find the easy to follow instructions here. Have a great weekend, enjoy! – SB


diy Crepe Paper Lanterns via Project Wedding

April Desktop Wallpaper

laHappy April Desktop Wallpaper Is is that time of the month already? Why yes, it is! Time to change your desktop wallpaper!! So here is my take on April…which I might add is no easy task as no one (I am assuming) wants a rain themed wallpaper… So ladies and gentlemen, I present to you April’s desktop wallpaper…

Find your screen size and download below (right click and save image!):

…don’t know what your screen resolution is? Click here to check!

If you like this desktop wallpaper, send your friends and family this way to download it! Happy April!!!