Tag Archive: design

everything is better with gold


I love gold. I love decorating with it, I love using gold pens to write fancy letters, I love, I mean LOVE gold foiling and metallic inks on paper goods…When in doubt use gold. It’s rich, has depth and makes everything look special. I especially love gold mixed with blush (the lightest of light pinks…) So here is a little ode to gold! la la love! – sb


vintage crystal lamp via me, mantel display via Lonny Mag, sea foam bedroom loveliness via the Decorista, gold accessories via Design Darling, gold and pink chair via Dreamy Whites, gold foiled thank you notes via Truly Smitten

so much design, so little time

Sorry for the lack of posts lately, I have been a busy busy little bee! I have been hard at work on some fabulous projects that I can’t wait to share with you! And on top of that our computer is at the computer doctor, so I am working on my ailing macbook pro. (There are rumors of new Macbook Pro’s soon, yay!…) But I thought that I would come up for air, say hi and let you know there are some fun posts headed your way next week. Including our wedding and the paper pieces from our wedding. Hope your having a good week! I miss blog land, but it’s been an oh so productive week, hooray for that!

I’m not sure where I got this image from, if anyone runs across it pretty please send me the link, I would love to credit the original source!