Tag Archive: tea

Tea for Two

My best friend just had a birthday, okay it was a few weeks ago I am just prolonging the celebration…She’s pregnant (i.e. I am putting together a relaxation gift, but shhh…I can’t tell you what else it entails as it hasn’t made it’s way to the mail yet and she reads this blog…) and has everything, so with her, I am normally a gift card giver, but not this year! I stumbled upon this beautifully packaged raspberry herbal tea in the Asian market awhile back. I immediately fell in love! Not only does this tea smell incredible (I can smell it through the tin and the Raspberry is AMAZING) but the tin is so lovely. What a perfect and useful gift! I would just use it for a pen cup or an odds and ends catch all once the tea is gone. If you have read this blog for any time you know I am a sucker for beautiful packaging. I could just imagine this tin translating into an adorable wedding invitation as well…This was just too pretty not to share, here’s to good package design!

Tea from Harney & Sons, photo by me

sick day


It’s been a quieter week here on the blog…(yesterday’s post was all thanks to my wonderful husband). I have been out sick with a bad cold which was compounded by a an accompanying migraine (I suffer from chronic migraines). Yesterday I took a rare sick day and didn’t touch the computer once. On top of all of that I am up to my eyeballs in wedding invite designs right now (which I love!)…But needless to say I am a bit stressed. Anywhoo, I am feeling a little bit better today, I am going to answer a few emails and climb back into bed. I am praying for a restful, sabbath filled weekend of recuperation. I hope you have a lovely, quiet, restful, weekend as well. I’ll be back at it next week! – sb


Images via We Heart It