just around the corner

It’s hard to believe that indeed Christmas is just around the corner. I just took a much needed few day break from blogland, Twitter, Etsy and the like to celebrate Thanksgiving. Today I am catching up on everything, while the pandora station blares the Bing Crosby Christmas channel, I am getting into Christmas mode! I do love this time of year. In the next few weeks I will be posting Christmas decorating finds, ideas and some new Christmas products. So stay tuned! In the mean time, I hope we can all take the time this season to remember the reason we have to celebrate. As we were reminded at church last night, the King of the Universe, Jesus, humbled himself by becoming a man, he was born into this world as a little baby lying in the manger in Bethleham, but the celebration doesn’t end there! He lived a perfect life that we could not live and then died a death to atone for our sins that we could not accomplish on our own. So we can celebrate this season knowing that we do have Hope! His name is Jesus!

Oh and have I mentioned how much I am loving coral right now? Well, I am! That jacket above is just killing me I love it so much!

Image via J Crew

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